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Medical drones could help beat the Covid crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic is, by necessity, leading to a flurry of innovation. And now drones are taking their turn in the limelight. In a recent announcement, the UK government said that unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) could be ferrying vital personal protective equipment (PPE) from the English mainland to NHS staff on the Isle of Wight […] The post Medical drones could help beat the Covid crisis appeared first on NetworkTigers News.

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How relaxed should you be in an online job interview?

If you have the good fortune of scoring a virtual job interview in the middle of a pandemic, the initial euphoria of potential employment may soon be replaced with anxiety over what to wear – as well as putting your home life on display for a potential employer. And with good reason. Social scientists have […] The post How relaxed should you be in an online job interview? appeared first on NetworkTigers News.

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What you really need to know about Zoom security

The video conferencing app Zoom gained about 2 million new users in the first two months of 2020 – and that was before the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic. With so many people now relying on video conferencing for contact with their friends, family and colleagues, it’s no wonder Zoom has […] The post What you really need to know about Zoom security appeared first on NetworkTigers News.

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Could Covid bring in a new era of working from home?

When a magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Christchurch, New Zealand, on February 22, 2011, the capital city’s central business district was leveled — and hundreds of essential government workers suddenly found themselves working from home, scrambling to figure out how to get their jobs done without access to the office. Some encountered technical difficulties, others had […] The post Could Covid bring in a new era of working from home? appeared first on NetworkTigers News.

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How to avoid Internet congestion during lockdown

The current health crisis has led to a rise in the use of digital services. Telework, along with school closures and the implementation of distance learning solutions (CNED, MOOCs, online learning platforms such as Moodle for example), will put additional strain on these infrastructures since all of these activities are carried out within the network. […] The post How to avoid Internet congestion during lockdown appeared first on NetworkTigers News.

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Now is the time to close the digital divide

I’ve always believed that universal broadband internet access is a human right – just as important as food, shelter and water – that when fulfilled, enables individuals to help themselves succeed in the information economy. As the COVID-19 pandemic moves us deeper into a digital world, accessing education, establishing and maintaining a livelihood, and obtaining […] The post Now is the time to close the digital divide appeared first on NetworkTigers News.

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Tracking Covid could open a digital Pandora’s Box

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought new big data-driven practices of infectious disease surveillance to the forefront of efforts to track cases in real-time. As infections have continued to spread across the globe, governments have increasingly sought to capitalize on the volume, variety and velocity of the Big Data era, and to partner with Big Tech […] The post Tracking Covid could open a digital Pandora’s Box appeared first on NetworkTigers News.

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Five ways to protect connectivity during Covid-19

COVID-19 has dealt a shock to our world. Large swathes of the global population are living under some restrictions and enforced distancing. We are learning to live differently – to learn, socialize, shop, worship and collaborate differently. And we are doing all of this online. The role of digital connectivity in our lives has grown […] The post Five ways to protect connectivity during Covid-19 appeared first on NetworkTigers News.

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Covid-19 is bad news for foreign direct investment

Just over a year ago, InvestChile – the South American country’s foreign direct investment (FDI) promotion agency – welcomed 300 foreign investors of 21 nationalities in Santiago. In a two-day event, they attended plenaries, workshops and over 200 meetings including with President Piñera, advancing over 7 billion dollars in potential projects. Fast-forward to today, and […] The post Covid-19 is bad news for foreign direct investment appeared first on NetworkTigers News.

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HPE opens its patents for fight against coronavirus

Since the Venetian Patent Statute of 1474, patents have been used to incentive innovation. By granting their owners an exclusive right to stop others from exploiting their inventions, patents provide a competitive edge. However, in times like these, cooperation is more important than competition. That’s why I’m delighted to announce that Hewlett Packard Enterprise is […] The post HPE opens its patents for fight against coronavirus appeared first on NetworkTigers News.

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