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Arista 7280E Switches - Refurbished, Used, and New

Arista 7280E Switches - Refurbished Used: NetworkTigers offers quality, tested, seller refurbished, used, and new switches. All refurbished and used 7280E switches products we sell are thoroughly examined by qualified technicians and returned to the Arista's original high-quality standards. We can overnight these low-latency high speed 7280E Arista switches to your data center.

The Arista 7280E switches are available in three models each with 48 SFP+ ports for 1/10GbE and a choice of 40GbE and 100GbE uplinks. The Arista 7280SE-64 has four QSFP+ uplink ports that allow a choice of four 40GbE or up to 16 additional 10GbE ports with the use of transceivers or cables. Arista 7280SE-72 offers two 100GbE uplinks through the use of Arista MXP interfaces and embedded optics. Each MXP port enables twelve 10GbE, three 40GbE or one 100GbE for a wide choice of cost effective connections. The 7280SE-68 has two 100GbE QSFP uplinks that allows for the use of both 100GbE and 40GbE optics for the widest range of both short and long reach connection options, active and passive cables.

Arista DCS-7280SE-64-F 48x 10GB SFP+ 4x 40GB QSFP+ Front-to-Back Airflow Switch

SKU: NSH-7397
Condition: Seller refurbished
Shipping: Overnight Options
Warranty: 365 days

$ 337.99

$ 447.99

• Only 2 remaining
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NEW Arista DCS-7280SE-72-F 48x 10GB SFP+ 2x 100GB MXP Front-to-Back Air Switch

SKU: NSN-2427
Condition: New
Shipping: Overnight Options
Warranty: 365 days

NEW Arista DCS-7280SE-72-R 48x 10GB SFP+ 2x 100GB MXP Back-to-Front Air Switch

SKU: NSN-2449
Condition: New
Shipping: Overnight Options
Warranty: 365 days

NEW Arista DCS-7280SE-68-R 48x 10GB SFP+ 2x 100GB QSFP100 B-F Airflow Switch

SKU: NSN-3814
Condition: New
Shipping: Overnight Options
Warranty: 365 days

Arista DCS-7280SE-72-R 48x 10GB SFP+ 2x 100GB MXP Back-to-Front Airflow Switch

SKU: NSH-6110
Condition: Seller refurbished
Shipping: Overnight Options
Warranty: 365 days

$ 699.99

$ 1,393.99

• Only 2 remaining
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Arista DCS-7280SE-72-F 48x 10GB SFP+ 2x 100GB MXP Front-to-Back Airflow Switch

SKU: NSH-6109
Condition: Seller refurbished
Shipping: Overnight Options
Warranty: 365 days

$ 551.99

• Only 2 remaining
Call if you need more

Arista DCS-7280SE-68-R 48x 10GB SFP+ 2x 100GB QSFP100 Back-to-Front Air Switch

SKU: NSH-8133
Condition: Seller refurbished
Shipping: Overnight Options
Warranty: 365 days

$ 1,254.99

• Only 2 remaining
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Arista DCS-7280SE-68-F 48x 10GB SFP+ 2x 100GB QSFP100 Front-to-Back Air Switch

SKU: NSH-6111
Condition: Seller refurbished
Shipping: Overnight Options
Warranty: 365 days

Arista DCS-7280SE-64-R 48x 10GB SFP+ 4x 40GB QSFP+ Back-to-Front Airflow Switch

SKU: NSH-3178
Condition: Seller refurbished
Shipping: Overnight Options
Warranty: 365 days

$ 299.99

• Only 2 remaining
Call if you need more

NEW Arista DCS-7280SE-68-F 48x 10GB SFP+ 2x 100GB QSFP100 F-B Airflow Switch

SKU: NSN-1667
Condition: New
Shipping: Overnight Options
Warranty: 365 days