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Arista 7150 Switches - Refurbished, Used, and New

Arista 7150 Switches - Refurbished Used: NetworkTigers offers grade A, tested, seller refurbished, used, and new switches. All refurbished and used Arista 7150 Switches we sell are completely tested by experienced techs and returned to the Arista's original high-quality standards. We can overnight these uniquely fast 7150 Arista switches to your data center.

The Arista 7150 Series is an ultra low latency 1RU 1/10/40GbE layer 2/3/4 wire speed switch family. It offers a special combination of performance, advanced functionality and extensive onboard resources. The 7150 Series includes the 7150S and the 7150SC models.

NEW Arista DCS-7150S-52-CL-F 52x 10GB SFP+ F-B Air (High Precision Clock) Switch

SKU: NSN-2425
Condition: New
Shipping: Overnight Options
Warranty: 365 days

Arista DCS-7150SC-24-CLD-R 24x 10GB SFP+ Back-to-Front Air (HPC) Switch

SKU: NSB-5127
Condition: Seller refurbished
Shipping: Overnight Options
Warranty: 365 days

NEW Arista DCS-7150S-52-CL-R 52x 10G SFP+ R-F Air (High Precision Clock) Switch

SKU: NSN-2455
Condition: New
Shipping: Overnight Options
Warranty: 365 days

Arista DCS-7150S-24-DC-F 7150S Series 24x 10GB SFP+ Front-to-Back Airflow Switch

SKU: NSB-7186
Condition: Seller refurbished
Shipping: Overnight Options
Warranty: 365 days

NEW Arista DCS-7150S-24-R 24x 10GB SFP+ Back-to-Front Airflow Switch

SKU: NSN-2599
Condition: New
Shipping: Overnight Options
Warranty: 365 days

NEW Arista DCS-7150S-24-F 24x 10GB SFP+ Front-to-Back Airflow Switch

SKU: NSN-2467
Condition: New
Shipping: Overnight Options
Warranty: 365 days

NEW Arista DCS-7150S-64-CL-R 48x 10GB SFP+ 4x 40GB QSFP+ B-F Air (HPC) Switch

SKU: NSN-2409
Condition: New
Shipping: Overnight Options
Warranty: 365 days