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NEW Extreme Networks 10941 VSP 4900 Series 1100W Switch Power Supply

NEW Extreme Networks 10941 VSP 4900 Series 1100W Switch Power Supply

$ 611.99
Only 2 remaining
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Cutoff Ground / 3 day / 2 day - 2pm PT, Cutoff Overnight - 5pm PT. Overnight orders after 4pm PT require approval. Call 800-430-6950 to confirm overnight orders after 4pm PT.
Condition: New
New in Original Manufacturers Box. Sold with warranty from NetworkTigers or the manufacturer.
Warranty: 365 days
Warranty coverage period
SKU: NSN-4904
UPC: 644728109418


The Extreme Networks 10941 VSP 4900 Series 1100W Switch Power Supply is a reliable power supply designed specifically for the Extreme Networks VSP 4900 series switches. With its wattage capacity of 1100 watts, this power supply ensures that your network switch receives sufficient power for optimal performance.

This product boasts excellent build quality, ensuring long-term durability and reliability even under heavy usage conditions. It has advanced features like built-in cooling fans that efficiently dissipate heat generated during operation, preventing overheating issues.

The powerful output delivered by this switch's power supply enables seamless connectivity across multiple devices on your network without effecting speed or stability. Its compact design allows it to easily fit into standard server racks or cabinets without taking up much space.

Extreme Networks 10941: 1100W PSU for VSP 4900, also used on X465, X450-G2 and X460-G2.


  • Power Capacity : 1100W
  • Designed For : VSP 4900 Series
  • Model Number : 10941
  • Part Number : 10941
  • Condition : New


  • One (1) New Extreme 10941 VSP 4900 Series 1100W Switch Power Supply as described above