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NEW HPE J9443A ProCurve 630 740W AC Switch Power Supply

NEW HPE J9443A ProCurve 630 740W AC Switch Power Supply

$ 1,174.99
Only 2 remaining
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Cutoff Ground / 3 day / 2 day - 2pm PT, Cutoff Overnight - 5pm PT. Overnight orders after 4pm PT require approval. Call 800-430-6950 to confirm overnight orders after 4pm PT.
Condition: New
New in Original Manufacturers Box. Sold with warranty from NetworkTigers or the manufacturer.
Warranty: 365 days
Warranty coverage period
SKU: NSN-2591
UPC: 884962486085


The HPE J9443A ProCurve 630 740W AC Switch Power Supply is a specialized accessory designed specifically for the HPE ProCurve 630 switches. This power supply unit provides a reliable and efficient solution for delivering electrical power to these network devices.

With its high capacity of 740 watts, this switch power supply ensures optimal performance by providing sufficient electricity to enable seamless data transmission within your network infrastructure.

This product enhances productivity by eliminating downtime due to insufficient or unreliable power sources. Its robust construction ensures long-term durability while reducing maintenance costs typically associated with frequent replacements.

HPE J9443A: ProCurve 630 External Power Supply.


  • Power Capacity : 740W
  • Designed For : HPE ProCurve 630 Switches
  • Model Number : J9443A
  • Part Number : J9443A
  • Condition : New


  • One (1) New HPE J9443A ProCurve 630 740W AC Switch Power Supply as described above