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Dell P10YN DPS-460KB 460W AC Back-to-Front Airflow (Reverse) Switch Power Supply

Dell P10YN DPS-460KB 460W AC Back-to-Front Airflow (Reverse) Switch Power Supply

$ 69.99
$ 46.99
19 in stock
In stock means that we have the product available to meet your delivery commitment. If it is on the web site, it is available for sale and we can ship it that day.
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Cutoff Ground / 3 day / 2 day - 2pm PT, Cutoff Overnight - 5pm PT. Overnight orders after 4pm PT require approval. Call 800-430-6950 to confirm overnight orders after 4pm PT.
Condition: Seller refurbished
Pre-owned, tested by qualified techs, working, reset-to-factory default, grade A condition, and parts needed for normal functions are included (as described in the listing).
Warranty: 365 days
Warranty coverage period
SKU: NSB-6565


The Dell P10YN DPS-460KB is a reliable and efficient power supply unit with a power capacity of 460W AC. It features back-to-front airflow, also known as reverse or PSU-IO panel airflow, which ensures effective cooling by pulling air from the back of the system to the front.

This design helps maintain optimal operating temperatures for your components, contributing to their longevity and performance. The fan within this power supply directs cool air over critical hardware such as CPUs and GPUs while expelling hot air out through vents at the rear end.

Its solid construction provides a stable voltage output that meets industry standards. This makes it suitable for various applications, including gaming PCs, workstations, servers, and more demanding systems requiring higher wattage support.

Dell P10YN DPS-460KB: 460W AC Back-to-Front Airflow (Reverse/PSU-IO Panel Airflow)


  • Power Capacity : 460W AC
  • Air Flow Direction : Back-to-Front Airflow (Reverse/PSU-IO Panel Airflow)
  • Model Number : P10YN
  • Part Number : P10YN, DPS-460KB
  • Condition : Seller refurbished


  • One (1) Seller Refurbished Dell P10YN DPS-460KB 460W AC Back-to-Front Airflow (Reverse) Switch Power Supply as described above

Not Included

  • Manuals or product brochures are not included. Software or Firmware DVDs or CDs are not included
    Product information and installation instructions may be found on the manufacturer's website or the web. Software or firmware updates may be available through the manufacturer's website