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Cisco CAB-STK-E-0.5M Catalyst Series 50cm FlexStack Switch Stacking Cable

Cisco CAB-STK-E-0.5M Catalyst Series 50cm FlexStack Switch Stacking Cable

$ 64.99
$ 48.99
14 in stock
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Cutoff Ground / 3 day / 2 day - 2pm PT, Cutoff Overnight - 5pm PT. Overnight orders after 4pm PT require approval. Call 800-430-6950 to confirm overnight orders after 4pm PT.
Condition: Seller refurbished
Pre-owned, tested by qualified techs, working, reset-to-factory default, grade A condition, and parts needed for normal functions are included (as described in the listing).
Warranty: 365 days
Warranty coverage period
SKU: NSH-1574
UPC: 746320821290


The Cisco CAB-STK-E-0.5M Catalyst Series 50cm FlexStack Switch Stacking Cable is designed with the Cisco Catalyst series switches. This stacking cable measures 50 centimeters long and reliably connects stacked switches.

This high-quality interconnect cable enables seamless communication and data transfer between components within a stack, enhancing network performance and versatility. Its flexible design allows for increased mobility of connected devices without reducing signal integrity or speed.

Manufactured by Cisco – a trusted leader in networking solutions – this stacking cable ensures compatibility with various models from the popular Catalyst series range. It utilizes advanced technology to deliver reliable connectivity that withstands tough operating conditions, ensuring long-term reliability.

Cisco CAB-STK-E-0.5M: A .5 meter FlexStack stacking cable from Cisco designed for the 2960 S/SF/X Catalyst switches.


  • Cable Length : 1.6-foot 50CM FLEXSTACK Stacking Cable
  • Designed for : Cisco 2960S, 2960-X, 2960-SF Switches.
  • Model Number : CAB-STK-E-0.5M
  • Part Number : CAB-STK-E-0.5M, CAB-STK-E-0.5M=, CAB-STK-E-0.5M-WS
  • Condition : Seller refurbished


  • One (1) Seller Refurbished Cisco CAB-STK-E-0.5M Catalyst Series 50cm FlexStack Switch Stacking Cable as described above

Not Included

  • Manuals or product brochures are not included. Software or Firmware DVDs or CDs are not included
    Product information and installation instructions may be found on the manufacturer's website or the web. Software or firmware updates may be available through the manufacturer's website